Raising 100% Grass Fed Beef on lush, green pasture in the heart of the Willamette Valley - just as nature intended.
The Willamette Valley has an ideal grass growing climate - plentiful rain and mild weather make it perfect for free range grazing. Our 100% Grass Fed cattle are raised on lush, green pastures containing bountiful grasses as well as clover, mineral supplements and salt.
Knee Deep Cattle Company prides itself in our cattle and assures you quality beef. We trace the history of each animal - from conception to consumption. Straight from our ranch to your table we produce what the consumer wants to eat: Beef Grass Fed - just as cattle were meant to live in their natural environment - grazing on lush, green Oregon pastures. Our cattle have continuous and unrestricted access throughout their lives to these pastures and have never been confined to a feedlot where the freedom to roam is severely limited.
Born and Raised Right Here in Oregon
100% free range
No Added Hormones or Antibiotics
Never Fed Cereal Grains
Dry Aged to Perfection
USDA Inspected
The Crew
Benefits of eating Free Range Grass Fed beef:
Beef raised on green pasture is naturally high in Vitamin E, CLA and Omega-3.
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin with powerful antioxidant activity. Antioxidants protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body's metabolism that may contribute to chronic health problems.
CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) has numerous health benefits, including a reduction in cancer, heart disease, onset of diabetes and accumulation of body fat. In addition, CLA tends to reduce cholesterol.
Omega-3s have proven to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, allergies, auto immune disorders, obesity and diabetes. Omega-3 fatty acids are created in the green leaves of plants.
Cattle that are grass fed have 60 percent more Omega-3 fatty acids and a more favorable Omega-6 ratio. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent heart disease and arthritis.
KDCC's practice of sustainable ranching and managing our grazing operations helps keep our grass fed cattle, land, air and water healthier. Our practices can assist in lowering our carbon footprint on the earth.
since we started in the meat business more than a decade ago, we’ve received local recognition for the quality of our product as well as our continued commitment to sustainable 100% grass fed ranching. Below are some of the testimonials we here at knee deep are particularly proud of…
looking to stock up that freezer?
we sell our locally raised, 100% grass fed beef to the best meat markets, neighborhood grocery stores and restaurants in town…
but we also really love to connect directly with the people that we serve - the meat lovers and home cooks of the Willamette valley and beyond.
if you’re curious about what a difference our beef can make in your home-cooked meals, give us a try - we know you will not be disappointed!
The cost of our Locker Beef is determined by the hanging weight of the dressed carcass. Price per pound includes: processing, cutting, wrapping and boxing for you to pick up.
Our 100% grass fed beef will range in age from 16 to 18 months of age at the time of processing.
The carcass will dry age for two weeks before cutting and wrapping. During the dry aging process, the carcass will shrink approximately 25 to 30%. the Dry aging process enhances the tenderness of the meat.
Our grass fed beef is locally processed at a USDA processing plant.
it is sold as a Whole, Half, or Quarter BEEF
You can expect to get:
1/3 Steaks cut 1 inch thick - 2 per package READY FOR YOUR NEXT BBQ!
1/3 Roasts 3-4 lbs each - 1 per package THE BEST SLOW COOKED MEAL ON A LAZY SUNDAY.
as well as Short Ribs, Stew Meat, Soup and Dog Bones YOUR BEST FRIEND’S FAVORITE TREAT
If you have any questions about locker beef, please reach out! We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Shoot us an email at ALVINAKDCC@MSN.COM, or give us a call at 541-521-1586.
mAiling address: knee deep cattle co, 84046 lorane hwy, eugene, or 97405